Rahm the Mechanic Goes To Washington

Every day, I am assaulted by something that amazes me and makes me say to myself, ‘Well I guess I have seen it all now’, only for it to be outdone and replaced the very next day by something even more outrageous.


Politics can do that to people. Power and the opportunity to play on the ‘big field’ is like a drug that makes people do crazy things, things that defy reason, logic, and sometimes decency.


Take for example the most recent article by Arab American Institute James Zogby in his defense of President Elect Barak Obama’s decision to appoint Rahm Emmanuel as White House Chief of Staff. In his piece entitled “Rahm Emanuel and Arab Perceptions” he writes “The emails and calls to my office were both troubled and troubling because much of the reaction was based on misinformation”. The “misinformation’ in this case dealt with Rahm Emanuel, the “brilliant strategist” as he puts it and his many “proven” political skills which led to him being “tapped” by Obama. No more no less. That is, as Jim calls it, “First, the facts.” I just wonder if Rahm’s ‘proven politics’ is also what dragged Obama to AIPAC’s conference this past summer to deliver that infamous shameful speech, as well as the meeting afterwards with the board of AIPAC where he was accompanied by Rahm Emanuel. I don’t think Rahm being born to an Israeli parent who once ran guns for the Irgun Terrorist Organization, his faith as a devout Jew or his being a staunch supporter of Israel had “nothing” to do with his appointment as the conventional wisdom would like us to believe. Of course not, it is his ‘brilliancy’ that got him there. “Its that simple” says the spokesman for the Arab-American community Jim Zogby. Maybe Arabs lack thinking brains to be in positions of power.


Ok, Emanuel maybe not be an Israeli Citizen, even though many American Jews in high power position are dual citizens. One such is Douglas Feith, who ran the Office of Special Plans at the Pentagon, and who concocted the ‘Yellow Cake’ theory giving George Bush the ammo he needed to invade an Arab country. Another one coming to mind is Michael Chertoff, our Director of Homeland Security whose father fought in the Bitar Brigade, a Jewish terrorist group during the Palestinian Holocaust which by the way, started way before the so-called ‘Holocaust’ of Europe and which continues to this very day. No doubt the reader is inclined to call me an ‘anti-Semite’ despite the fact that there is more ‘Semitism’ in one of my eyelashes than there is in the whole of the Ashkenazi Jewish community throughout the world because I said the “so called” Oh well, I guess I am one of those ‘self-hating’ Semites.


Jim goes on to defend Rahm’s service in the Israeli Army saying: “Emanuel volunteered for a few weeks, as a civilian, doing maintenance on Israeli vehicles.” Is he a mechanic? So, not only is he “brilliant” when it comes to politics, he is ‘Rahm the Mechanic’ as well. Talk about a real Renaissance man. Not only is Rahm “brilliant” in banking and finance, “brilliant” in the way he stabs a steak knife into a hardwood table repeatedly when talking about ‘enemies’ who must be dealt with, but “brilliant” with cars too, especially the ones used by Israel’s military. There is something so familiar between this and the whole “Joe the Plumber” business we heard so much about during the campaign.


Ok, let’s get back to that then–What vehicles Jim? What is a civilian volunteer in the Israeli Army? Did you know that there are no ‘civilians’ in Israel? If someone volunteers to go help a country at a time of war, one can safely assume he will be involved in some kind of a defense position. Was he greasing up the Israeli Tanks before they took positions on the Northern border with Syria and Lebanon in 1991? Or did he just write some nice love notes on Tank Shells? I am not sure, but this “brilliant” American found it necessary to go and join the Israeli Army- ok in a civilian capacity, god don’t be so uptight on technicalities- but yet, he did not join the American Army fighting two wars. It makes you wonder what country comes first in Rahm’s mind. Is he one of those Israel’s Firsters bunch?


As an aside (although one of supreme importance) what should be noted is that if Mr. Zogby–seeing his homeland of Lebanon being bombarded by Israel as it was in July 2006–decided to don his US Passport and go to Lebanon in order to volunteer in protecting another country, he would be arrested upon re-entry into the US and charged with a whole assortment of crimes related to terrorism. However, when it is a Zionist Jew doing so for Israel, he is offered the highest position in the president’s cabinet and the rest of the world is not supposed to think anything of it.


Oh yes, this is the killer, I almost left it out. Jim wrote: “The truth is that Emanuel is an effective leader in Congress. He is a strong supporter of Israel. But then, how many members of Congress are not?” Its no big deal, he is just one of the many in Washington who are supporters of Israel. Well Jim you forgot one fundamental difference between “Rahm the Mechanic” and others, namely that the other members of congress prostitute themselves for power, influence and money, but they really don’t get much enjoyment out of the deal. On the contrary–just like prostitutes they want the ordeal to be over with ASAP because deep down they feel so ashamed of themselves seeing Palestinian children dying from Israeli bullets fired by Israeli settlers as well as Israel’s imposed starvation and hunger on innocent people and they can’t do anything about it. “Rahm the Mechanic” however, Mr. Jim Zogby, enjoys what he is doing for Israel. His father, his family, and his “mother country” are proud of what he has become. Israeli Newspapers said “one of us in the White House.” He is doing it because he enjoys it. The Arabs are the sworn enemies of Rahm’s father and his last name is a reminder of that. Emanuel actually is not the last name of the family they changed it when Rahm’s uncle, Emanuel was killed by Arabs before the establishment of Israel, and the family changed their last name to, Emanuel. Now do you understand why Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, Christians, and all freedom-loving people around the World are disturbed by Rahm’s appointment? Can you take your democratic hat off for a second and voice your concern about Rahm? Can you, Uncle Tom?


I saw you turning the world upside down for a comment that John McCain did not make-even though, we made a big issue out of it- I for one made the biggest stink about it, but I did not see you doing the same when Rahm’s father actually, and factually insulted ALL Arabs, dead, alive and yet to be born. Thank God for Mary Oakar and the ADC who forced an apology out of Rahm for what his father had said about how his son will “surely influence Obama’s decisions on Israel” while following it with the comment that “he wasn’t Arab” and therefore will not be going to the White House to “mop floors”. The funny thing in the whole episode is Rahm’s apology, and especially when he said that the comment made by his dad did not “reflect the way he was raised and did not reflect his family values”.


That was his father who said it, the head of his family, the very same man one who ran guns to the Jewish terrorists to massacre the poor souls of Deir Yasin.

Dr. Hesham Tillawi, Ph.D


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23 Comments on “Rahm the Mechanic Goes To Washington”

  1. You have expressed the thoughts & sentiments of all sensible & concerned Americans.

  2. mike knapp Says:

    Love your work brother in freedom

  3. Sami Joseph Says:

    Thank you Hesham. I too was puzzled by Zogby’s warped logic.

  4. David Martin Says:

    Concerning the terrorist organization for which Rahm Emanuel’s father worked, the contemporary opinion of some of the most notable and respectable Jewish Americans is germane:

    Letters to The Times
    New York Times December 4, 1948

    New Palestine Party Visit of Menachem Begin and Aims of Political Movement Discussed

    Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the “Freedom Party” (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine.

    The current visit of Menachem Begin, leader of this party, to the United States is obviously calculated to give the impression of American support for his party in the coming Israeli elections, and to cement political ties with conservative Zionist elements in the United States. Several Americans of national repute have lent their names to welcome his visit. It is inconceivable that those who oppose fascism throughout the world, if correctly informed as to Mr. Begin’s political record and perspectives, could add their names and support to the movement he represents.

    Before irreparable damage is done by way of financial contributions, public manifestations in Begin’s behalf, and the creation in Palestine of the impression that a large segment of America supports Fascist elements in Israel, the American public must be informed as to the record and objectives of Mr. Begin and his movement.

    The public avowals of Begin’s party are no guide whatever to its actual character. Today they speak of freedom, democracy and anti-imperialism, whereas until recently they openly preached the doctrine of the Fascist state. It is in its actions that the terrorist party betrays its real character; from its past actions we can judge what it may be expected to do in the future.

    Attack on Arab Village

    A shocking example was their behavior in the Arab village of Deir Yassin. This village, off the main roads and surrounded by Jewish lands, had taken no part in the war, and had even fought off Arab bands who wanted to use the village as their base. On April 9 (THE NEW YORK TIMES), terrorist bands attacked this peaceful village, which was not a military objective in the fighting, killed most of its inhabitants-240 men, women, and children-and kept a few of them alive to parade as captives through the streets of Jerusalem. Most of the Jewish community was horrified at the deed, and the Jewish Agency sent a telegram of apology to King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan. But the terrorists, far from being ashamed of their act, were proud of this massacre, publicized it widely, and invited all the foreign correspondents present in the country to view the heaped corpses and the general havoc at Deir Yassin.

    The Deir Yassin incident exemplifies the character and actions of the Freedom Party.

    Within the Jewish community they have preached an admixture of ultranationalism, religious mysticism, and racial superiority. Like other Fascist parties they have been used to break strikes, and have themselves pressed for the destruction of free trade unions. In their stead they have proposed corporate unions on the Italian Fascist model.

    During the last years of sporadic anti-British violence, the IZL and Stern groups inaugurated a reign of terror in the Palestine Jewish community. Teachers were beaten up for speaking against them, adults were shot for not letting their children join them. By gangster methods, beatings, window-smashing, and wide-spread robberies, the terrorists intimidated the population and exacted a heavy tribute.

    The people of the Freedom Party have had no part in the constructive achievements in Palestine. They have reclaimed no land, built no settlements, and only detracted from the Jewish defense activity. Their much-publicized immigration endeavors were minute, and devoted mainly to bringing in Fascist compatriots.

    Discrepancies Seen

    The discrepancies between the bold claims now being made by Begin and his party, and their record of past performance in Palestine bear the imprint of no ordinary political party. This is the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs, and British alike), and misrepresentation are means, and a “Leader State” is the goal.

    In the light of the foregoing considerations, it is imperative that the truth about Mr. Begin and his movement be made known in this country. It is all the more tragic that the top leadership of American Zionism has refused to campaign against Begin’s efforts, or even to expose to its own constituents the dangers to Israel from support to Begin.

    The undersigned therefore take this means of publicly presenting a few salient facts concerning Begin and his party; and of urging all concerned not to support this latest manifestation of fascism.


    http://phys4.harvard.edu/~wilson/NYTimes1948.pdf cited in http://www.dcdave.com/article4/021110.html

    For information on Irgun’s attempt on the life of British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin see “Who Killed James Forrestal, Part 4” at http://www.dcdave.com/article5/060409.htm.

  5. The name Rham the mechanic, fits wonderfully to that person.
    In the mafia or criminal vocabulary, the name Mechanic is given to someone who have as a job to kill and murder people.

  6. Ed Lewis Says:

    I once wrote an article declaring America as a satellite state of the secular, politically, illegally Zionist created State of Israel. This appointment, and the many Zionist loving or Zionist threatened or bought-off by Zionist members of the federal (and state) governments strengthens this view, as do such Israel first people, such as Chertoff.

    I do not believe that any joint citizen can hold a political office lawfully. It seems as if this is increasingly becoming the norm, that government positions – and hence, government – are being outsourced to other than pure Americans.

    Witness foreign businesses obtaining illegally our public properties and the billions made by foreigners illegally setting up fine systems controlling our freedom and human right of being free to travel.

    Anyway, I suspect that the worst is to come, as the entire federal government will be 100 percent Israeli lackeys or Israelis within the next four to eight years, with no public property or private ownership (well in place now, as government cannot regulate private property nor tax it nor seize it except when obtained through criminal activities or for a short time as evidence of a crime).

    I believe only 100 percent Americans should hold office and any that violate their limitations expressed by the Constitution be hung for treason, whether the offender is federal, state, or local.

    And, further that any holding a public office that can appoint others be held for treason if any are not 100 percent loyal to America. This includes the Zionist appointee and quite probable foreigner – Barrack Mohammed Hussein Obama – or any other name he has had or still has.

  7. Adib Kawar Says:

    Dear. Dr. Hesham Tillawi

    Thank you for your article, you just gave Jim Zoghby hard on the head. I never heard of Zionist approving of the appointment of an Arab at the white house or not even in any other official post in the American administration from up to bottom, even as a gate keeper not to say “he wasn’t Arab” and therefore will not be going to the White House to “mop floors”, as said by the Zionist racist father of the mechanic Rahm!

    Jim Zogby could be a bit better then the ex-Palestinian Sununo who prostitute himself to IPAC to gain a seat in the congress, but still defending Rahm Emanuel is still a sin committed by a person who considers himself as a spokesman in the name of American Arab.


    Adib S. Kawar


  8. Laila Says:

    Isn’t it interesting that we the “jane and John Doe’s” of the street figure it out but those who profess “expertise” don’t?

  9. Ken Says:

    Thank you Hesham. This needed to be said, and it needs to be said again and again.

  10. Adam Albertt Says:

    Another great essay regarding Emanuel, however, I think Arabs cannot pick their opponents/enemies. What they need to do is to stop trying to think they can get the right person on the other side. Anwar Sadat and Hafez Al-Assad (God rest their souls) didn’t predicate the 1973 war on who was in power in Israel or the US and knew how to get what they wanted from the USSR (something that the Arabs are neglected to do with regards to Russia and China).

    Also, I think that James Zogby and even someone like Ziad Asali are necessary. This point will become clearer when we recognize that some reports about the reason behind Emanuel’s selection as chief of staff have to do with a good-cop bad-cop approach that Obama might want to take. The early Zionist activists admitted taking a similar approach by using simultaneously Jewish terrorists and Jewish advocates of partition to achieve their goals. Unlike the Zionist good-cop bad-cop approach, the Arabs and Palestinians, on the other hand, should use a good-cop good cop strategy with a twist (see below) which includes internationally recognized legal/legitimate resistance combined with effective advocacy because as former Saudi ambassador Bandar used to say, the Arabs have a good case but bad lawyers and the Zionists/Israelis have a bad case but good lawyers.

    The twist is allowing an opponent to select someone from the community who ultimately frustrates the opponent’s goals. I think Ziad Asali (like Ahmed Chalabi before him) plays a very good and useful role in ultimately misleading, giving false hope to, discrediting, demoralizing and bewildering the opponent and ultimately frustrating the opponent’s goals. I personally like him and get excited when I read him because he reminds me of Maj. Saad Haddad and the one who came after him. Early Israeli strategists believed that if only the Israelis could get a Lebanese major to help them establish a client border state they would be well on their way to shaping the Middle East to their liking. Well they essentially got what they wanted but it set them back rather than advanced their illegitimate cause.

    You never want to be a community that speaks with one voice, and that does not mean that people like Ziad Asali cannot be criticized or discredited. They are good for no one, and few opponents are likely to believe the criticism of their ward, someone like Asali, but are more likely to want to bind themselves closer to their ineffective ward. People like Asali and Gaith Al-Omari don’t benefit the Palestinians or the US, but that doesn’t mean that they cannot play a beneficial role in weakening the opposition by draining resources, giving them false hope and leading them down dead-ends. As stated in the Arab world, “3aysa takrahou shay-an wa ya kounu khayrun lakum.”

    Were I not mired in trying to get out of hole that I was forced into and trying to get a semblance of a decent life I would have long ago refined the above thoughts and shared them and many others with you. Instead of writing 10 good articles critical of Emanuel, I would have preferred that there be 1 or 2 good articles critical of him and a 100 bad articles about how he can be circumvented if he doesn’t do the right thing. We always need to be thinking strategically, which does not mean being dishonest, deceptive or conspiratorial.

  11. gmkarsa Says:

    Beautiful piece. Bless you!!!!

    “The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who
    are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
    Albert Einstein

    “The ultimate measure of a person is not where one stands in moments of
    comfort and convenience, but where one stands in times of challenge and
    controversy”. MLK

    “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience
    to remain silent”. Thomas Jefferson

    “Any people that would give up liberty for a little temporary safety
    deserves neither liberty nor safety”. Benjamin Franklin

    “It does not take a majority to prevail . . but rather an irate,
    tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of
    men.” Samuel Adams, American revolutionary.

    “If one remains neutral in situations of injustice, then one is
    complicit in that injustice. If an elephant has his foot on the tail of
    a mouse, and you remain neutral, the mouse is not going to appreciate
    your neutrality.” Desmond Tutu

    “What does it matter to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless whether
    the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the
    holy name of liberty or democracy?” Mahatma Gandhi



  12. […] all began with the appointment of pro-Israeli Jew, Rahm Emmanuel, as Obama’s Chief of Staff – and since then we hear almost every top post being awarded to […]

  13. Barbara Lubin Says:

    Couldn’t have written it better myself. Once again thank you my friend.


    Barbara Lubin

  14. Mahmoud El-Yousseph Says:

    Upon reading Rambo Emanuel father’s degrading remarks, I called his offices in Chicago and D.C. to express my concern. The staff in his Chicago office claimed, ” she have never heard about the remarks by the Congressman’s father. His staff at the national office did know after several days if the Congressman has issued any public statement in response to his father remarks. Then I read about Rep. Emanuel apology in ADC action alert.

    All the sudden, came Dr. Jim Zogby article on the issue. I was expecting him to blast Emanuel as the SOT [son of a terrorist] like he blasted John War McCain. Sadly, I was shocked deeply disappointed by the full article. The first thing went through my mind is Appeasement and Sucking Up to Democrates. I called AAI office and gave them an earful.

    Thanks Hesham, you expressed my exact sentiment.

    Mahmoud El-Yousseph

  15. David Martin Says:

    Dear Dr. Tillawi:

    I left this comment on your site. I hope you post it:

    Concerning the terrorist organization for which Rahm Emanuel’s father
    worked, the contemporary opinion of some of the most notable and
    respectable Jewish Americans is germane:

    Letters to The Times
    New York Times December 4, 1948

    New Palestine Party Visit of Menachem Begin and Aims of Political
    Movement Discussed

    Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the
    emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the “Freedom Party”
    (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization,
    methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist
    parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former
    Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in

    The current visit of Menachem Begin, leader of this party, to the United
    States is obviously calculated to give the impression of American
    support for his party in the coming Israeli elections, and to cement
    political ties with conservative Zionist elements in the United States.
    Several Americans of national repute have lent their names to welcome
    his visit. It is inconceivable that those who oppose fascism throughout
    the world, if correctly informed as to Mr. Begin’s political record and
    perspectives, could add their names and support to the movement he

    Before irreparable damage is done by way of financial contributions,
    public manifestations in Begin’s behalf, and the creation in Palestine
    of the impression that a large segment of America supports Fascist
    elements in Israel, the American public must be informed as to the
    record and objectives of Mr. Begin and his movement.

    The public avowals of Begin’s party are no guide whatever to its actual
    character. Today they speak of freedom, democracy and anti-imperialism,
    whereas until recently they openly preached the doctrine of the Fascist
    state. It is in its actions that the terrorist party betrays its real
    character; from its past actions we can judge what it may be expected to
    do in the future.

    Attack on Arab Village

    A shocking example was their behavior in the Arab village of Deir
    Yassin. This village, off the main roads and surrounded by Jewish lands,
    had taken no part in the war, and had even fought off Arab bands who
    wanted to use the village as their base. On April 9 (THE NEW YORK
    TIMES), terrorist bands attacked this peaceful village, which was not a
    military objective in the fighting, killed most of its inhabitants-240
    men, women, and children-and kept a few of them alive to parade as
    captives through the streets of Jerusalem. Most of the Jewish community
    was horrified at the deed, and the Jewish Agency sent a telegram of
    apology to King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan. But the terrorists, far from
    being ashamed of their act, were proud of this massacre, publicized it
    widely, and invited all the foreign correspondents present in the
    country to view the heaped corpses and the general havoc at Deir Yassin.

    The Deir Yassin incident exemplifies the character and actions of the
    Freedom Party.

    Within the Jewish community they have preached an admixture of
    ultranationalism, religious mysticism, and racial superiority. Like
    other Fascist parties they have been used to break strikes, and have
    themselves pressed for the destruction of free trade unions. In their
    stead they have proposed corporate unions on the Italian Fascist model.

    During the last years of sporadic anti-British violence, the IZL and
    Stern groups inaugurated a reign of terror in the Palestine Jewish
    community. Teachers were beaten up for speaking against them, adults
    were shot for not letting their children join them. By gangster methods,
    beatings, window-smashing, and wide-spread robberies, the terrorists
    intimidated the population and exacted a heavy tribute.

    The people of the Freedom Party have had no part in the constructive
    achievements in Palestine. They have reclaimed no land, built no
    settlements, and only detracted from the Jewish defense activity. Their
    much-publicized immigration endeavors were minute, and devoted mainly to
    bringing in Fascist compatriots.

    Discrepancies Seen

    The discrepancies between the bold claims now being made by Begin and
    his party, and their record of past performance in Palestine bear the
    imprint of no ordinary political party. This is the unmistakable stamp
    of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs, and British
    alike), and misrepresentation are means, and a “Leader State” is the goal.

    In the light of the foregoing considerations, it is imperative that the
    truth about Mr. Begin and his movement be made known in this country. It
    is all the more tragic that the top leadership of American Zionism has
    refused to campaign against Begin’s efforts, or even to expose to its
    own constituents the dangers to Israel from support to Begin.

    The undersigned therefore take this means of publicly presenting a few
    salient facts concerning Begin and his party; and of urging all
    concerned not to support this latest manifestation of fascism.


    http://phys4.harvard.edu/~wilson/NYTimes1948.pdf cited in

    For information on Irgun’s attempt on the life of British Foreign
    Secretary Ernest Bevin see “Who Killed James Forrestal, Part 4” at

    David Martin
    Author, “Who Killed James Forrestal?”
    “America’s Dreyfus Affair, The Case of the Death of Vincent Foster”
    “Upton Sinclair and Timothy McVeigh”
    “Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression”

  16. Molly Lechat Says:

    Thanks to Mr. Tillawi for this perceptive article.

    I like the line where he says he has more semitic blood in his
    eyelash than the whole European zionist community. This is the point
    I made that has led to my being blacklisted not only by the Marlene
    Newesri gang at efreepalestine, but on al-Awda as well since the
    liberal zionists tell the ‘Arabs’ there what to do much as they do
    people like Zogby, long active in the Democratic Party.

    Just because someone is ‘Arab’ doesn’t mean they can’t be suckered
    into apologizing for the zionists. This same sort of rhetoric about
    Emanuel not being that bad, etc. goes on at the Newesri sites like
    ArabForum as well.

    They say things like Obama is really our friend and just wanted to
    remove Emanuel from his powerful position in the Congress by making
    him chief of staff!!!

    BTW Yael Korin seems to be second in command on Arab Forum where this
    goes on, and where three of our members have recently been purged or
    denied membership. Marlene Newesri is really in charge there, of
    couse, telling Zogby-Mashney what to say.

    The zionists recruit Arab fronts to apologize for them, as we see
    with Zogby and Steve Mashney. Both of these people are Demo Party
    activists and they HAVE to apologize for zionists like Emanuel in
    order to stay in the party.

    Similarly, the zionists recruit well meaning people in the Arab
    community to front for them. Take the Free Palestine Alliance,
    mentioned recently by Emma Rosenthal.

    These are not zionist agents, they are just people who have been
    foooled by ANSWER operators.

    The only visible presence of this organization is to serve as a guard
    for ANSWER speaking platforms during the time when ANSWER featured
    slogans against occupation and a token speaker, usually Elias
    RAshmawi out in this part of the country.

    Rashmawi doesn’t answer my e mails any more, since ANSWER dumped the
    Palestine issue last year. They are another Barak Obama type
    of ‘friend of Palestine’ who will come to dinner at Rashid Khalidi’s
    house but then climb into bed with Emanuel and the rest of the tribe.

    molly lechat

  17. Mohammed Aburmishan Says:

    Mohammed Aburmishan
    I normally read most of your columns, for i don’t always get to watch the show. Even though I don’t always like to comment on them, I find myself having to drop a note to thank you and chear you on. This one is by far the best of what I rebuttals to Mr. Zogby.
    You tell him Hesham!!!
    I wonder if you replace Ram with Zogy or Sunnunu what would the reaction of Jews would be. Imagine If Prof. Rasid Khalidi was in place of Ram, and his father said the same words, what would the whole world would do. I think even the Chinese might demand Obama himself to dis-avow himself from Prof. Khalidi himself not just his father.

    Good job,
    Keep it up
    Mohammed Aburmishan

  18. Walter Muir Says:

    Only American citizens should hold ANY jobs in ANY governments within the “current” United States of America. Dual citizens (Canadian & U..) don’t need to be more than that. Of course, IF te North American Union treasonous plot is carried through, WE so-called Americans are – excuse the expression – skrood.

  19. Ron Says:


    Thank you for your comments, now if we could just
    wave the magic wand and wake up the American
    People. How can anyone ever believe that those
    with dual citizenship have our best interests
    in mind. How????????

  20. sharon taylor Says:

    Dear Mr.Tillawi, I’m glad you finally get it about Obama, did you really think you were going to get anything different with this guy? No we are going to get much worse then what we had with Bush if that wasn’t bad enough. Brace yourself Sir. Good article.

  21. whynot? Says:

    hesham, great piece. btw why were all the following obama connections not explored by the MSM?

    (five pages) Jerusalem Post: Mr. Obama’s neighborhood

    Haaretz: Some Chicago Jews say Obama is actually the ‘first Jewish

    Orin Kramer, King of the New York Obamasaurs

    20 Nov: Obama bundler Orin Kramer says he lost $25 billion of N.J. pension funds

  22. Bob Stiver Says:

    Dr. Tillawi, I just read your brilliant riposte (pasted below) to the shameful Zogby defense of Zionist Rahm Emanuel. Your biting sarcasm and righteous indignation, expressed in such articulate fashion, have my fullest admiration. Thank you!

    With respect, Bob Stiver, Pearl City, Hawaii

  23. Niki Raapana Says:

    Dr. Tillawi,

    I too appreciate your article responding to Zogby’s in regards to Rham Emanuel’s appointment. I posted Zogby’s article on Emanuel because it showed I was wrong when I made the assumption in an earlier post that Emanuel held dual U.S. – Israeli citizenship. When I saw your rebuttal on Peter Myer’s elist, I posted it immediately.

    Now I’m most curious to know if you’ve ever researched Dr. Amitai Etzioni. He’s another former Israeli soldier (Palmach) who has been an advisor in the White House since 1979. Dr. Etzioni freely admits to holding duel U.S. – Israeli citizenship and being a former terrorist. Etzioni’s unit was charged with bringing Emanuel’s father’s “rogue” branch of the Irgun into the national army.

    Many of Etzioni’s communitarian laws, programs and policies have been implemented across the United States, particularly Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS). The U.S. now has a federal branch of “local” police who are trained in Israel, which is called the “Harvard of Anti-terrorism.” These new COPS sit on all local branches of regional to community government busy writing “local” (UN Local Agenda 21) visions for the future. These new COPS sit on new “local” citizen committees, and are quite busy writing behavior laws, revisions and land use regulations, which they also enforce.

    What might make this research interesting to a man of your stature is Dr. Amitai Etzioni is the guru behind Obama’s “change.” His Communitarian Network had a direct hand in elevating Obama. Professor John McNight, signer of the Communitarian Platform and founder of a communitarian human development program called ABCD at Northwestern University, Illinois, was also the signatory on Barack Obama’s Harvard Law School application.

    Thank you very much for your quality approach to discussing the most difficult topic in the world. I look forward to studying more of your work.

    Niki Raapana
    Anti-Communitarian League

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